Custom Wood Cutouts
Can't find an unfinished wood cutout or shape that you need for a craft project?
- Need a specific wood cutout?
- You like what we have but need it smaller or larger?
- Do you have your own laser cutting machine but dont have time to make 500 pieces?
- Looking for unfinished wood cutouts with holes in them for hanging?
- Are you trying to cut small pieces out oun a scroll saw and fear loosing a finger?
We are here to help! We can design anything you can imagine. Each custom cut wood shape that is shown in our shop was made for someone just like you!
Contact us! We cut what you want faster and better than you can with a scroll saw. We just need a few things from you to start.
- What are you looking for? Do you have an Idea of what it is that you want? Clipart images, jpegs, drawings etc. work great.
- A rough idea of the size. Are you looking for an exact size or a rough size?
- How many do you need? Depending on the design and complexity we might require a minimum purchase quantity?
What we will do:
- Take your drawing and build a cutout from that drawing.
- Email a proof to you to approve the drawing before we cut the wood cutouts.
- Once approved, we will cut and ship the wood cutouts to you.
The Fine Print:
- We cannot draw anything that is copyrighted or protected in any way. If it is someone else's property, we cannot duplicate it in any way!
- We base our prices on time and materials used. Thicker woods are more expensive than thinner woods and take more time to cut.
- We cut with 1/8", 1/4" Baltic Birch Plywood and also have access to MDF.
- We do not cut cheap plywood. Every piece of wood is high quality. Cheap, imported plywood smells when we cut it. Our wood smells like wood! The safety of our customers and employees is very important to us!
- If you want to have us cut wood shapes for you exclusively, we will do that. Please let us know if that is the case. We respect your intellectual property.
- All prices are subject to change.
Our process to make custom wood cutouts and shapes is fast and easy. We do ask to have contact with outside of our website. Email works best for this process. We will have the ability to send artwork back and forth from the first proof to the final design. Send us an email with what you are initially looking for and what you have in mind for size and thickness. We will go from there!
Email us directly at elliefontstyles@aol.com or contact us via phone at 813-906-9540.